| CONTRIBUTION AND VALUE Chicago’s trees provide innumerable benefits to our city. They play a key role in:
• Reducing air pollution. • Cleaning our air. One mature tree produces enough oxygen in a year for one adult. • Cooling the air and reducing the energy required to cool buildings. • Reducing urban “heat island” effects by shading cities’ parking lots and concrete structures which take on very high temperatures when exposed to sun. • Reducing flooding by intercepting 1,000 gallons of water per year per mature tree. • Improving water quality by filtering particulate matter that would otherwise end up in sewers and eventually our streams and lakes. • Reducing street noise and providing a visually-pleasing buffer from manufactured urban sites, such as road medians and concrete walls. • Improving our sense of well-being by reducing fear, decreasing violent behavior and giving comfort. • Increasing property values as much as 10 percent. • Increasing revenue for businesses near trees. • Providing beauty in the urban setting. • Contributing to community pride and cooperation. |