Jon Duresky's 2nd Annual
Hiking For A Cure

My name is Jon Duresky, and I'm excited about my 2nd Annual Hike along the Appalachian Trail. I'm taking on this 5-day challenge to raise money and awareness about epilepsy, with the goal of someday (soon!) finding a cure for this misunderstood and deadly affliction.

Last year, hiking for Seize the Day, our local Dacula, Georgia, based organization, we raised over $2,200. This year, partnering with the Danny Did Foundation, a national organization, we hope to make an even bigger impact.  My motivation for Hiking For a Cure is the same, however. I don't have the brain of a research scientist, and will never match the emotional drive of those of you who live with epilepsy every day.  I am just a grandfather who watches my daughter and her husband deal with the challenges of epilepsy every day, as it affects their son, my grandson, Conner.  Also, I like to hike, and I still have a body that lets me do that.  So I'll put in the miles, 72 total this year in the rugged Smoky Mountains, and in exchange I ask that you will open your hearts and wallets, and donate to the Danny Did Foundation to support their mission to prevent deaths caused by seizures. Together, we will find that elusive and much needed cure
Perhaps you can donate a $1 for each of the 72 miles that I hike, however, any donation amount is appreciated. As an added bonus, the top donor will receive a special prize! Check this page often to see what it is, but we will guarantee that you will not be disappointed!

(Above, Jon with his grandson Conner.)
Details of Jon's Hike through the Great Smoky Mountains on the Appalachian Trail:
  • Dates:  May 21 - May 25 
  • Starting Point : Fontana Dam State Park in Tennessee
  • End point: Davenport Gap in Tennessee
  • Total Miles: 72 

             Hiking For a Cure 2011

We at Seize the Day are very excited to be partnering with the Danny Did Foundation, a growing organization that helps individuals and families across the United States. My daughter Kendal and her husband Andrew proudly serve as Danny Did Foundation Ambassadors for Greater Atlanta. You can learn more about Danny Did at Synergy is the key, and spreading the word is the path to ultimately finding a cure for all forms of epilepsy. Thanks for your donation and for sharing with others!

 The Danny Did Foundation is an Illinois not-for-profit corporation recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service code. Accordingly, contributions to the Danny Did Foundation in the United States are tax-exempt to the extent provided by law. PLEASE VISIT TO LEARN MORE.

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Total Raised

Total Raised: $5,136

Honor Roll

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